Potres magnitude od 4.2 stupnja prema Richterovoj ljestivici večeras je oko 22 sata i 26 minuta zatresao Austriju.
Kako javlja stranica EMSC, epicentar potresa bio je šest kilometara zapadno od grada Neunklrchen i 56 kilometara južno jugozapadno od grada Favorlten.
Prema prvim informacijama, podrhtavanje se osjetilo na pet kilometara.
Look! You are a seismic sensor: when you feel a tremor and launch the LastQuake app,we know that an #earthquake (#Erdbeben) might have occurred👇LastQuake launches before🟠 and after 🟣 the app notification about the #earthquake (#Erdbeben) in Wiener Neustadt 13 min ago. pic.twitter.com/6fBnKLUbBi
— EMSC (@LastQuake) March 30, 2023
Mnogi Autrijanci su osjetili ovaj potres, a brojni su pisali i na društvenim mrežama.
"Jako se osjetilo",
"Vrlo neugodan osjećaj",
"Što je ovo bilo? Strašno", samo su neki od komentara na društvenim mrežama.
U ovim trenutcima nije poznato je li ovaj potres prouzrokovao određene štete. Nadodajno na kraju da se ovo podrhtavanje najviše osjetili stanovnici Beča, ali i okolnih manjih gradova i austrijskih regija.
Pogledajte što je sve na svojim stranicama objavio EMSC:
#Earthquake (#Erdbeben) possibly felt 29 sec ago in #Austria. Felt it? Tell us via:
⚠ Automatic crowdsourced detection, not seismically verified yet. More info soon! pic.twitter.com/btKRjRlUSH— EMSC (@LastQuake) March 30, 2023
⚠Preliminary info: #earthquake (#Erdbeben) about 10 km W of #Ternitz (#Austria) 1 min ago (local time 22:26:12)❗MAGNITUDE NOT AVAILABLE YET❗Updates at:
🖥https://t.co/wPtMW5ND1t pic.twitter.com/zUnWaN0ZKV— EMSC (@LastQuake) March 30, 2023
#Earthquake 27 km SW of Wiener Neustadt (#Austria) 6 min ago (local time 22:26:13). Colored dots represent local shaking & damage level reported by eyewitnesses. Share your experience:
🌐https://t.co/hWd2TCxzi9 pic.twitter.com/D3RVccOJud— EMSC (@LastQuake) March 30, 2023
#Earthquake 26 km SW of Wiener Neustadt (#Austria) 20 min ago (local time 22:26:13). Updated map - Colored dots represent local shaking & damage level reported by eyewitnesses. Share your experience via:
🌐https://t.co/hWd2TCxzi9 pic.twitter.com/r3Q8GYGULk— EMSC (@LastQuake) March 30, 2023