Danas je u poslijepodnevnim satima slab potres zatresao je područje Makedonije.
Kako javlja EMSC, magnituda potresa bila je 2.5 stupnja prema Richteru. Zabilježen je, naime, danas poslijepodne u Sjevernoj Makedoniji.
Look! You are a seismic sensor: when you feel a tremor and launch the LastQuake app,we know that an #earthquake (#земјотрес) might have occurred👇LastQuake launches before🟠 and after 🟣 the app notification about the #earthquake (#земјотрес) in #Shtip 14 min ago. pic.twitter.com/1ZaskdVBch
— EMSC (@LastQuake) March 30, 2023
EMSC nadodaje da je epicentar potresa bio dva kilometra jugoistočno od mjesta Štip na dubini od pet kilometara.
🔔#Earthquake (#tërmet) M3.0 occurred 2 km E of #Elbasan (#Albania) 12 min ago (local time 17:00:38). More info at:
🖥https://t.co/UrcL4hiXhz pic.twitter.com/1avKcq3Qr1— EMSC (@LastQuake) March 30, 2023